OPEN HOURS: School Days 8:00 - 3:30 and Sundays 10:15 - 12:30 or CALL US ANYTIME:678-405-2205 EMAIL:
Click here for an excerpt from the publisher
Replacing Loneliness with a Biblical Vision of Belonging
A local church should be a place of true community and connection—where people belong to God and one another. But in our individualistic culture, many Christians end up struggling with social isolation and loneliness. Lacking a sense of authentic belonging within the church, some eventually stop attending or question their faith altogether. How can believers overcome these negative cultural effects and restore the biblical vision of belonging in their churches today?
In this concise booklet, author and pastor Jeremy Linneman encourages readers to pursue a life of fellowship through 5 practices: taking initiative in hospitality, being patient in building friendships, maintaining relational stability, persisting through conflict, and praying together. By understanding the human need for belonging and reflecting on Jesus’s lifestyle of mission, ministry, and care, readers will be better equipped to build fruitful communities that bear witness to Christ’s glory and purposes alone.
OPEN HOURS: School Days 8:00 - 3:30 and Sundays 10:15 - 12:30 or CALL US ANYTIME:678-405-2205 EMAIL: