OPEN HOURS: School Days 8:00 - 3:30 and Sundays 10:15 - 12:30 or CALL US ANYTIME:678-405-2205 EMAIL:
Dodgeball and abstinence training just aren’t enough.
There’s only one thing that has the potential to bring lasting change to students’ lives: the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this guidebook for youth ministry leaders, a host of experienced youth workers lay out a vision for the gospel as the center of every facet of ministry to young people. Offering practical guidance related to teaching, implementing small groups, interacting with parents, leading mission trips, building community, and more, each chapter equips youth leaders to effectively address students’ hearts and see God work in and through their lives.
Published in partnership with the Gospel Coalition.
OPEN HOURS: School Days 8:00 - 3:30 and Sundays 10:15 - 12:30 or CALL US ANYTIME:678-405-2205 EMAIL: