OPEN HOURS: School Days 8:00 - 3:30 and Sundays 10:15 - 12:30 or CALL US ANYTIME:678-405-2205 EMAIL:
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The beginning of a nation arrests world attention; the bondage of a people evokes the full range of human feeling; the effective work of a human deliverer for one or a million raises human emotions to an exceedingly high pitch. In Exodus we have the beginning of a nation, Israel; we have the enslavement of a people, the Israelites; we have the arrival of a deliverer named Moses who carried through the demand of the Lord, ''Let my people go.'' In spiritual terms we have the beginning of a Christian life, the acknowledgment of a power which will work in the Christian and for the Christian beyond the natural; the redemption from the bondage of sin, of Satan through a divine Deliverer, Jesus Christ our Lord. Christians young or old cannot help but be blessed in pursuing a reading and study of Exodus, second book in the Bible. In this book Arthur W. Pink provides you with hours of blessed study help for your spiritual enrichment. He gives thoughtful guidance for weeks on end for the teacher of a Bible class. Student or teacher may mine some of the richest o£ Bible ore from this book of Exodus and become the wealthier spiritually in possession of its mighty truths. We heartily commend to you GLEANINGS IN EXODUS by Arthur W. Pink.
OPEN HOURS: School Days 8:00 - 3:30 and Sundays 10:15 - 12:30 or CALL US ANYTIME:678-405-2205 EMAIL: