Answer, The (Chinese simplified version) - paperback book, single copy
It is obvious the influence of Christianity in our society and culture has been waning for some time. Why? Many in the United States claim they are Christians, yet the divorce rate and broken families among the Christian population is similar to that of non-Christians. Why? Many Christians, though claiming they trust the Lord, but live a very unsatisfied life. Why? It is because many Christians have accepted a watered-down or distorted Gospel by the influence of secular culture. This distorted gospel, though sounds appealing, can neither provide true satisfaction in good times, nor provide strength during challenging times. In a story telling style, the author of The Answer presents succinctly the core tenets of the Gospel. It brings the readers back to the Biblical truth. This book will surely make a difference in one’s Christian life.观察当今的世代,基督教对社会与文化的影响在式微之中。为什么呢?在美国,虽然有许多人声称自己是基督徒,但基督徒的离婚率与破碎家庭的比例并不比非基督徒低,为什么呢?许多基督徒虽说是信靠主,但仍生活在很不满足中,为什么呢?答案乃在于许多基督徒在世俗文化的影响下,接受淡化或扭曲了的福音的教导。而这扭曲了的福音,虽然听起来很吸引人,但是在顺境中不能使人得到真正的满足,在逆境中不能给人从中得到力量。答问的作者用说故事的方式,把福音简洁、深入地剖明,把读者带回圣经純正的教导,能为基督徒的生命带来深刻的影响。
Answer, The (Chinese simplified version) - paperback book, single copy